Why sell to
We at have built our buying process from experiance and most importantly customer feedback!

We pay top prices for used Harley-Davidsons. How much will ultimately depend on the details you enter for your valuation but provided you descriptions are accurate, we belive you will be happy with our offer. To get started simply click the button.
Our prefered method of payment is by instant secure bank transfer but with prior agreement a cash on collection can be arranged.
Of course you can. After you fill out your bike details you will get a valuation but also an offer*. There is no obligation to accept our offer and the valuation is free!
(*unfortunately we cant guaruntee an offer in all instances)
1) The V5 logbook/registration certificate, in the name of the registered keeper. If the paperwork is in a previous or maiden name we will need to see your marriage certificate or change of name deed.
2) All sets of keys for the motorbike.
3) Your bank details so we can make payment.*
4) One form of photo ID (passport or driving license) and one form of proof of address (Utility bill, Bank statement or council tax bill)
5) If you bought your bike on finance we will need confirmation that that finance has been concluded/settled before we can buy you bike or a current letter from the finance company showing what is currently outstanding. This finance will be settled first and any remaining ballance paid to you.
(*please note we can only pay into an account with the same name as the registered keeper.)
Provided the information you supplied about your bike is accuate it should take no more than about 30 minutes.
We will give your motorbike a quick inspection. If we identify any aspect of the bike’s history or condition that wasn’t apparent at the time of the initial valuation, the price we offer may differ from that valuation. This can include customisations or modifications. If you’re happy to go ahead with the sale after the inspection, we’ll finish the paperwork there and then and transfer the money to your bank account.
We can only keep an offer valid for 7 days.
That wont be a problem provided you can provide evidence that you lived at the previous address as well as provide the documentation for your current address.
Simply visit and request a replacement. Unfortunately you will need to do this before we can buy your Harley.
Absolutely Yes! Provided the details provided about the bike are accurate.
Yes! as long as it is registered in the UK.
If you bike has been cusomized we would still want to buy it. Add the customization in the additional details of the bike form and we can discuss how this may or may not effect the valuation.